Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Relaxing without Eating the Contents of Your Refrigerator

One of the biggest reasons to eat is boredom!! I have been known to chow down when I have nothing to do. And tonight is no exception. My guy is out of town, the kids are ignoring me, so what's a girl to do.
I'll tell you what... OCCUPY that empty space in your life. I cleaned my room, checked my emails, wrote a little in my novel, updated my neglected blog, and reached out to some friends and family whom have been sorely neglected in due to my busy schedule.
By the time dinner rolled around, I was able to drink a glass of water and have a right sized serving of shrimp fried rice. Yummy.
So, I sit here with enough points left at the end of the day for a glass of vodka and cranberry, still right sized.
You know what, my two readers, I think I may be able to do this after all!

1 comment:

  1. erm....who you call cuz you aint call ME....stankin
